How to Fix Stringing 3D Printer?

How to Fix Stringing 3D Printer


3D printing has made it easier for people to be creative and try new things in the world of production. 3D printing has changed the way things are made, from simple games to artificial limbs. But, just like any other technology, it has its own problems, and stringing is one of them.

It happens when the printer makes thin strands of material that connect different parts of the item being printed. These strands can waste time and resources, damage the object’s surface polish, result in mistakes, and cause misprints. This article will explain what causes stringing in 3D printing and how to fix stringing 3d printer.

Why does stringing happen when 3D printing? 

Setting the temperature

Incorrect temperature settings are one of the main reasons why 3D prints string. If the temperature is too high, the filament may leak out of the nozzle even when the printer is not extruding. This can result in stringing. Also, if the temperature is too low, the filament might not flow easily out of the nozzle, causing thin strands of filament to connect different parts of the print.

Printing Speed 

In 3D printing, the print speed is a key factor in how well the print turns out. If the print speed is too fast, the filament might not have enough time to cool and harden before the nozzle moves to the next area. Because of this, the thread might drag and cause stringing. Also, if the print speed is too slow, the filament may leak out of the nozzle and string between different parts of the print.

Setting up the retractions 

Retraction settings are another thing that can cause looping. Retraction is the process of pulling the filament back into the nozzle just a little bit so that it doesn’t leak out when the printer isn’t working. If the retraction settings aren’t set up right, the filament might not pull back far enough, which can make the print look like it has strings.

Materials Types

Stringing can also be caused by the type of material that is used for 3D printing. For example, flexible filaments tend to string together more than hard filaments. This is because the way their molecules are made makes it easier for them to stretch and string. In the same way, carbon fiber strands are more fragile than other filaments, which makes them more likely to get tangled.

Nozzle Blockage 

In 3D printing, stringing can also be caused by a nozzle that is only partly jammed. If the hot end isn’t clean and clear, it can make the filament come out unevenly, which can lead to stringing. This is a common problem, especially if you use cheap materials or don’t clean the hot end of your 3D printer regularly.

How to Get Rid of Stringing in 3D Printing?

Changing the settings for the temperature 

The first thing to do to fix hanging is to check how hot your 3D printer is set. If the temperature is too high, turn it down by 5°C at a time until you find the right temperature. If the temperature is too low, you can also raise it in 5°C steps until you find the best temperature.

Setting the speed of printing 

The next thing to do to fix the hanging is to change how fast your 3D printer prints. If the print speed is too fast, you can slow it down by 10% steps until you find the best speed. In the same way, if the speed of printing is too slow, increase it by 10% steps until you find the best speed.

Changing the settings for retracting 

The options for the retractor can have a big effect on how much stringing happens. Step by step, make the retractions longer or faster until the problem is fixed. You can also change the minimum journey distance to make retraction happen more often.

Changing Material Type 

If the type of thread you are using tends to get tangled, you might want to switch to something else. Some strands are better at being strung than others are. You can also mix different kinds of strands, such as rigid and flexible, which will make stringing less likely.

Clearing a clogged nozzle 

If the nozzle is jammed, you can try to clear it by running a cleaning filament through the nozzle to remove any extra material. You can also take the tip off and soak it in hot water to unclog it.

Best Ways to Keep 3D Printing from Stringing 

Clean the 3D printer often

It’s important to clean the printer before and after printing to avoid jams or clogs that could cause the paper to twist. Remove any leftover pieces of filament or dust from the printer, especially from the area around the tip and the feeder.

Use a Filament Dryer 

Using a filament heater makes sure that the filament is dry before it goes into the printer. If there is moisture, it can cause stringing, which can mess up the prints. When it’s wet, a filament dryer can be especially helpful.

Use materials with certain qualities 

Stringing can be cut down a lot by using filament with special qualities, like low-oozing filament. These strands are less likely to leak, which helps keep them from getting stuck together.

Check the printing bed regularly 

Keep the printer bed clean, level, and smooth, whether it is made of glass, metal, or plain plastic. The best way to stop stringing is to have a clean, flat surface. So, if your bed is old or broken, it’s best to get a new one to avoid hanging.


The new area of 3D printing shows a lot of promise. But you can do better if you understand the problems and figure out how to solve them. One of the most common problems you may run into when 3D printing is stringing. It can be annoying and hard to deal with, but the tips in this article will help you get past this problem so you can focus on making good 3D prints. Remember to keep your 3D printer clean, change the settings for printing, choose the right materials, and keep the print bed in great shape. If you do these steps, you can stop 3D printers from getting stuck.


What is stringing?

Stringing is a common problem with 3D printing that happens when small strings of filament show up between the different parts of the item being printed.

Why does 3D printing have strings?

Stringing can happen when the temperature settings are wrong, the print speed is too fast, the retraction settings are wrong, the filament is of poor quality, or the tip is clogged.

How does changing how the temperature is set to help reduce stringing?

Changing the temperature settings can make the filament move through the printer more easily, reducing the chance that it will leak and cause stringing.

What are the best ways to keep 3D prints from stringing?

To avoid stringing, it’s best to clean the 3D printer regularly, use a filament dryer, choose filaments with certain qualities, and keep an eye on the printing bed.

Why is it important to clean the 3D printer every so often?

By cleaning the printer often, you can avoid clogs and jams that could cause stringing and make sure that the filament runs through the printer smoothly.

What is a filament drier, and how does it help reduce stringing?

A filament dryer takes away extra moisture from the filament before printing. This makes the filament less likely to ooze, which can help prevent stringing.

What difference does the type of material make when 3D printing?

Different kinds of filament have different qualities that can make them more or less likely to string. For example, flexible filaments are more likely to get tangled than rigid threads.

What does “nozzle blockage” mean, and how do you fix it?

When the nozzle gets slightly clogged, it can cause the filament to come out of the nozzle in an uneven way, which can lead to stringing. If the tip is clogged, you can either run a cleaning filament through it or soak it in hot water.

How do the options for the length and speed of retraction help cut down on stringing?

The options for retracting the filament help stop it from oozing, which can cause stringing. Changing the length and speed of the return can help stop this from happening.

Can using different slicing tools make 3D printing less likely to string?

Yes, the temperature, print speed, and retraction settings can be changed in different slicing tools to help reduce stringing.


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